How To Do a Drum Roll?

One of the most important techniques to learn when you are a drummer is how to drumroll. Sustaining pitch when you are drum rolling is essential to understand.

Drumroll Overview

Let’s start learning how the drummers can master the art of drum rolling. It may be tricky at the start, but you can be a pro in no time when you understand the performance and drum rolling process. And it contains a few steps to learn the essential performance of the drum roll, but still, you need practice, and to make it easier, we have compiled a list of tips and tricks for understanding how to drum roll.

A drum roll is a continuous streak of repeating the strokes, and during that, you have to sustain the pitch and sound of the drum. And for that, you have to learn how to make each stroke and how fast you need to go.

But First, Let’s Understand What a Drum Roll Is?

A drum roll is a famous technique for sustaining the pitch and making the quick succession of Beats. The drum is a standard instrument that is used for drum rolling. And to learn how to drum roll, you must understand the types of drum rolls.

Types Of Drum Rolls

Below are a few types of drum rolls that you must know before learning how to drum roll.

Single Stroke Drum Roll

A single stroke roll is also so named as a closed roll. It is a simple technique that requires you to alternate between the right and left beat repeatedly. You have to follow the Right Left Right Left beat and repeat.

Double Stroke Roll

A double stroke roll is also termed an open roll. You have to do two strokes of right and then two strokes of left for this type. It goes like right right left left, and then repeat.

Triple Stroke Roll

Triple stroke roll is also named the French roll. For this beat, you play three strokes of right Indian three strokes of left. It goes like RRRLLL and then repeat. 

Buzz Roll

Buzz roll is the press roll, also known as the bounce roll. This technique requires you to play a quick and fast stroke on the right and then left. For playing this drum roll, your need to have a tighter grip.


For this drum roll technique, you have to play a single stroke of either left or right and then play two alternate strokes. LRLL and then repeat.

Double Paradiddle 

For this drum roll technique, you play for single strokes of either right or left, followed by two strokes of the alternate. LRLRLL and then repeat! 


Forest drum roll technique, you have to play two single strokes on each side but needs to be played simultaneously. The first stroke is comparatively lighter than the other stroke.

Tips For Learning Drum Roll 

Whenever you plan to understand and learn how to drum roll, you must also follow a few tips and tricks. For the few mentioned above, we provide your complete guideline on how to drum roll. But that is not enough. To understand how to drum roll, you must also follow the steps that are written below.


Practicing matters the most. To master the skill of drumroll and the other instruments, you also have to practice a lot. Without practice, you cannot master this skill and become a pro at drum rolling. Therefore, whenever you plan to learn drum roll, you must practice this technique now and then to become the best at it.

Learn To Hold The Drumsticks

Before anything else, you must understand and learn how to hold the drum stick. You have to provide it a specific amount of grip to hold the drumsticks properly. Without the proper grip, you cannot drum roll properly, and it will affect the beat as well. Therefore make sure you are holding the drumsticks properly and getting used to divide them into the ultimate grip. When you get used to having the drumsticks, you can learn quickly to drum roll and play many other techniques.

Train Yourself

When you plan to drum roll, keep in mind that it will require you to train yourself properly. Whether your dominant hand is the right one or not, you must ensure that you taught both of your hands. It is how you will learn to a drumroll. You have to use both your hands at the same time while keeping your mind present. If you are not training both, you are dominant and the non-dominant hand to play at the same time, you might not be able to learn how to drum roll. Therefore it is essential to be focused and train both your hands accordingly.

Increase Your Speed

To drum roll and to pick up the beat, you must practice adequately. And with more practice, you can speed up the process of strokes, and you will gain more confidence. Therefore, it is essential to practice more and gain more confidence so you will have a better speed, and you can use both your hands simultaneously to play and drumroll. With the better speed, you can also build up the rhythm And The Beat you are after. Make sure you are practicing as much as you can to build up the complex rudiments And The rhythm that are fast and require quick action.

These are a few tips that will help you in learning how to drum roll. But more than anything, you must understand the different types of a drum roll and practice each one of them as much as you can. The more you practice, the more confidence you will have, and eventually, you will be able to enjoy the process even more. Therefore make sure you make your routine for playing and learning drum roll and various complex rhythms. Check this for Drum Songs Beginners.

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